Rally to End Abortion
At The SC State Capitol on Tuesday, May 4th, 10 AM
Despite a significant drop in abortions committed in the 1990s, that drop has slowed dramatically since 2000. In the past several years, the number of pre-born babies surgically murdered has remained around the 5,000 range annually. Praise God that many babies’ lives have been saved—but something is wrong here. The goal is not to reduce the number of abortions in South Carolina, it is to establish justice for the pre-born image-bearers of God—and that won’t happen until abortion is abolished. For years, South Carolina has regulated abortion, rather than ending it, and it has even funded abortions with your tax dollars. Its incremental bills have served to keep abortion going. There are 3 major abortion clinics and many other facilities where women can go to kill their pre-born children. On average, 14 babies are murdered by abortion every day in South Carolina.
Rally to End Abortion
Action for Life and State Representative Jonathon Hill are hosting the first statewide Rally to End Abortion in South Carolina on Tuesday, May 4th, at 10 am.
Speakers will include State Representative Jonathon Hill, Mark Corral of Grace Covenant Church, Jeff Durbin of End Abortion Now, and more.
How You Can Help
Support the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2021 (H.4046)
Rep. Jonathon Hill has filed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2021 (H.4046) to put an end to abortion and is fighting to completely and permanently defund Planned Parenthood and remove all abortion funding from the state budget.